About Us
The mission of the Twin Cities ACM Chapter is organize and support events and activities related to computing and its applications in the Twin Cities area, Minnesota, and across the Upper Midwest region.
The Twin Cities ACM Chapter is chartered by the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) as a professional chapter. We organize annual conferences (such as CADSCOM and CIACAM) that help researchers disseminate their original research in computing related disciplines.

Past Chapter officers
Dr. Rajeev Bukralia
Chair & Co-founder
Dr. Dalia Sulieman
Former Vice Chair
Dr. Dalia Sulieman was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Cybersecurity at Metropolitan State University, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. She received her PhD in Computer Science from University of Cergy-Pontoise, France. And she received her MS degree in Computer Science and Information Technology from Lille University of Science and Technology, France. Her academic work has been published in a variety of journals and conference proceedings. Her research interests are in Social Networks Analysis, Recommender Systems, and Machine learning.

Former Secretary
Dr. Simon Sung Jin is an associate professor and department chair of MIS in the College of Management at Metropolitan State University. He earned his doctorate degree from the SUNY at Buffalo, and MS degrees from Korea University and the SUNY at Buffalo. His research interests are in the field of Information Privacy, Business Analytics, and IT innovation Adoption & Implementation. Recently, his interests have merged to information privacy issues in the context of social media focusing on privacy concerns. His academic work has been published in a number of international journals, conferences, and book chapters. Also, he is the recipient of several grants from the University as well as external agencies, including National Research Foundation of Korea, and the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy of Korea.

Dr. Ismail Bile Hassan is an Associate Professor and Internship Program Director in the Department of Computer Science and Cybersecurity at Metropolitan State University, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Universiti Putra Malaysia and MSc. in Information Technology Management from the University Technology Malaysia in 2017 and 2011, respectively. He has published a journal, book chapters, and conference proceedings in information systems, knowledge management, and data science. His research interests include e-health adoption, knowledge sharing, data science education, data mining, and e-government.

Dr. Rushit Dave is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Information Science Department at Minnesota State University Mankato. He has published multiple journal and conference papers in reputed platforms. Dr. Dave also holds position in Editorial and Reviewer board at many Computer Science and Engineering journal and conference platforms. He helped found, and is currently Director of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning & Security Research [AIMS] Group, a recognized student organization dedicated to artificial intelligence, cyber security & software engineering. His current research focus is on Machine Learning & Deep Learning Applications of Cyber Security, Biometrics, IoT Security in wireless networks, Machine Learning Applications of Computing in Education and Human Activity Recognition.